Source code for blanketdb

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''A simple HTTP accessible database for IoT projects.'''

__author__ = 'luphord'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.4.0'

import json
import sqlite3
import urllib.parse
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from typing import Dict, Union, Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from wsgiref.types import StartResponse  # noqa: F401
DateLike = Union[str, datetime, date]

def _parse_form(form_s: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    '''Parse url encoded form and convert numerical types.'''
    d = dict()  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    for k, v in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(form_s):
            d[k] = int(v)
        except ValueError:
                d[k] = float(v)
            except ValueError:
                if v.lower() == 'true':
                    d[k] = True
                elif v.lower() == 'false':
                    d[k] = False
                    d[k] = v
    return d

def _parse_dt(s: Optional[DateLike]) -> DateLike:
    '''Parse string using custom differential date formats like "2 days".'''
    if not s:
        return ''
    if isinstance(s, datetime):
        return s.isoformat(sep=' ')  # datetime format suitable for sqlite
    s = str(s)
    if s.lower() == 'today':
    elif s.lower() == 'yesterday':
        return - timedelta(days=1)
    elif s.lower().endswith('days') \
            or s.lower().endswith('day') \
            or s.lower().endswith('d'):
            days = int(s.split('d')[0])
        except ValueError:
            return ''
        return - timedelta(days=days)
    elif s.lower().endswith('hours') \
            or s.lower().endswith('hour') \
            or s.lower().endswith('h'):
            hours = int(s.split('h')[0])
        except ValueError:
            return ''
        return - timedelta(hours=hours)
    elif s.lower().endswith('min') or s.lower().endswith('m'):
            minutes = int(s.split('m')[0])
        except ValueError:
            return ''
        return - timedelta(minutes=minutes)
    elif s.lower().endswith('sec') or s.lower().endswith('s'):
            seconds = int(s.split('s')[0])
        except ValueError:
            return ''
        return - timedelta(seconds=seconds)
    return s

def _json_default(obj: Union[datetime, date]) -> str:
    if isinstance(obj, datetime) or isinstance(obj, date):
        return obj.isoformat()
    raise TypeError(type(obj))

def _serialize_json(data: Any, indent: Optional[int] = 2) -> str:
    '''Serialize to json supporting dates.'''
    return json.dumps(data, indent=indent, default=_json_default)

def _j(obj_to_serialize: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
    '''Serialize `obj_to_serialize` or keyword arguments as dict to json
       and encode to bytes.'''
    if obj_to_serialize is None:
        obj_to_serialize = kwargs
    return _serialize_json(obj_to_serialize).encode('utf8')

    200: '200 OK',
    201: '201 Created',
    400: '400 Bad Request',
    404: '404 Not found',
    405: '405 Method Not Allowed',
    415: '415 Unsupported Media Type'

[docs]class BlanketDB: '''A simple HTTP accessible database for IoT projects''' _SOURCE = 'FROM blanketdb WHERE (? OR bucket=?) AND rowid>=? ' + \ 'AND timestamp>=? AND (? OR rowid<?) AND (? OR timestamp<?)' _QUERY = 'SELECT rowid, * ' + _SOURCE + \ ' ORDER BY (? * rowid) DESC LIMIT ?;' _DELETE = 'DELETE ' + _SOURCE + ';' def __init__(self, connection_string: str, now: Callable[[], datetime] = -> None: '''Initialize `BlanketDB` instance using a `connection_string` that can be understood by SQLite. `now` should be a function returning the current datetime (or a suitable test replacement). ''' self.connection = sqlite3.connect(connection_string, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) with self.connection as conn: conn.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blanketdb ' + '(bucket text, timestamp timestamp, data text);') = now
[docs] def store(self, data: Any, bucket: str = 'default') -> Dict[str, Any]: '''Serialize `data` to json and store it under `bucket`.''' entry_id = None bucket = bucket.lower() timestamp = with self.connection as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('INSERT INTO blanketdb VALUES (?, ?, ?);', (bucket, timestamp, _serialize_json(data, indent=None))) entry_id = c.lastrowid return dict(id=entry_id, bucket=bucket, timestamp=timestamp.isoformat(), data=data)
[docs] def store_dict(self, bucket: str = 'default', **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: '''Serialize key word args to json and store under `bucket`.''' return, bucket)
def __getitem__(self, entry_id: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: '''Get a stored entry by its `entry_id`. Return None if no entry exists for that ID. ''' with self.connection as conn: c = conn.execute('SELECT rowid, * FROM blanketdb WHERE rowid=?;', (entry_id,)) res = c.fetchone() if res: id, bucket, timestamp, data = res return dict(id=id, bucket=bucket, timestamp=timestamp, data=json.loads(data)) else: return None
[docs] def query(self, bucket: str = None, since_id: Optional[int] = None, since: Optional[DateLike] = None, before_id: Optional[int] = None, before: Optional[DateLike] = None, limit: int = -1, newest_first: bool = True) \ -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: '''Query this `BlanketDB` instance using various optional filters. `since` and `since_id` are inclusive, `before` and `before` are exclusive regarding the specified value.''' is_bucket_requested = bool(bucket) if is_bucket_requested: bucket = bucket.lower() if bucket else '' if since_id is None: since_id = 0 since = _parse_dt(since) before = _parse_dt(before) with self.connection as conn: c = conn.execute(BlanketDB._QUERY, (not is_bucket_requested, bucket, since_id, since, not before_id, before_id, not before, before, 1 if newest_first else -1, limit)) for id, bucket, timestamp, data in c.fetchall(): yield dict(id=id, bucket=bucket, timestamp=timestamp, data=json.loads(data))
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: '''Iterate over all entries stored in this `BlanketDB` instance.''' with self.connection as conn: c = conn.execute('SELECT rowid, * FROM blanketdb;') for id, bucket, timestamp, data in c.fetchall(): yield dict(id=id, bucket=bucket, timestamp=timestamp, data=json.loads(data)) def __delitem__(self, entry_id: int) -> None: '''Delete an entry by its `entry_id`.''' with self.connection as conn: conn.execute('DELETE FROM blanketdb WHERE rowid=?;', (entry_id,))
[docs] def delete(self, bucket: str = None, since_id: Optional[int] = None, since: Optional[DateLike] = None, before_id: Optional[int] = None, before: Optional[DateLike] = None) \ -> Any: '''Delete entries from this `BlanketDB` instance using various filters. `since` and `since_id` are inclusive, `before` and `before` are exclusive regarding the specified value. ''' is_bucket_requested = bool(bucket) if is_bucket_requested: bucket = bucket.lower() if bucket else '' if since_id is None: since_id = 0 since = _parse_dt(since) before = _parse_dt(before) with self.connection as conn: conn.execute(BlanketDB._DELETE, (not is_bucket_requested, bucket, since_id, since, not before_id, before_id, not before, before)) return conn.execute('select changes();').fetchone()[0]
def __call__(self, env: Dict[str, Any], start_response: 'StartResponse') \ -> Iterable[bytes]: '''WSGI conform callable method.''' def start_json_response(status: int, headers: List[Any] = [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) \ -> None: start_response(_HTTP_STATUS_CODES[status], headers) path = (str(env['PATH_INFO']) or '/').lower() method = str(env['REQUEST_METHOD']).upper() qs = _parse_form(str(env['QUERY_STRING'])) try: show_meta = qs.get('meta', True) since_id = qs.get('since_id', 0) since_id = int(since_id) \ if isinstance(since_id, (int, str)) \ else None before_id = qs.get('before_id', None) before_id = int(before_id) \ if isinstance(before_id, (int, str)) \ else None since = qs.get('since', None) assert since is None or isinstance(since, (str, datetime, date)) since = _parse_dt(since) before = qs.get('before', None) assert before is None or isinstance(before, (str, datetime, date)) before = _parse_dt(before) limit = int(str(qs.get('limit', -1))) newest_first = bool(qs.get('newest_first', True)) except Exception as e: start_json_response(400) yield _j(message='An error occured while' + ' parsing the query parameters: ' + str(e), parameters=qs) return if method == 'GET': if path.startswith('/_entry/'): try: entry_id = int(path[8:]) except ValueError: start_json_response(400) yield _j(message='Path does not contain' + ' a valid integer ID', path=path) return entry = self[entry_id] if entry: start_json_response(200) yield _j(entry if show_meta else entry['data']) else: start_json_response(404) yield _j(message='Entry does not exist', id=entry_id) else: start_json_response(200) bucket = path[1:] # type: Optional[str] if not bucket: bucket = None # make it a little more explicit entries = list(self.query(bucket, since_id, since, before_id, before, limit, newest_first)) last_id = max((entry['id'] for entry in entries), default=None) entries = [entry if show_meta else entry['data'] for entry in entries] yield _j(bucket_requested=bucket, since_id=since_id, since=since if since else None, before_id=before_id, before=before if before else None, number_of_entries=len(entries), last_id=last_id, limit=limit if limit > -1 else None, newest_first=newest_first, entries=entries) elif method == 'POST': if path == '/_entry' or path.startswith('/_entry/'): start_json_response(405) yield _j(message='The HTTP method is not allowed' + ' for this path', path=path, method=method) return try: request_body_size = int(env.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) except ValueError: request_body_size = 0 request_body = env['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size) bucket = 'default' if path == '/' else path[1:] content_type = env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json').lower() if content_type.startswith('application/json'): if request_body == b'': data = None else: # ToDo: handle parser errors data = json.loads(request_body.decode('utf8')) elif content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'): data = _parse_form(request_body.decode('utf8')) else: start_json_response(415) yield _j(message='Supported media types are application/json' + ' and application/x-www-form-urlencoded', media_type=content_type) return entry =, bucket=bucket) start_json_response(201) yield _j(entry) elif method == 'DELETE': if path.startswith('/_entry/'): try: entry_id = int(path[8:]) except ValueError: start_json_response(400) yield _j(message='Path does not contain' + ' a valid integer ID', path=path) return entry = self[entry_id] if entry: start_json_response(200) del self[entry_id] yield _j(entry) else: start_json_response(404) yield _j(message='Entry does not exist', id=entry_id) else: bucket = path[1:] if not bucket: bucket = None # make it a little more explicit n = self.delete(bucket, since_id, since, before_id, before) start_json_response(200) yield _j(bucket_requested=bucket, since_id=since_id, since=since if since else None, before_id=before_id, before=before if before else None, number_of_entries_deleted=n) else: start_json_response(405) yield _j(message='The HTTP method is not allowed for this path', path=path, method=method)
[docs]def cli() -> None: from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description='Start a BlanketDB instance ' + 'using wsgiref.simple_server.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface', help='Interface to listen on', default='localhost', type=str) parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='Port to listen on', default=8080, type=int) parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='Database file to use', default='db.sqlite', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server msg = 'Starting BlanketDB at http://{interface}:{port} using ' + \ 'database file "{file}"' print(msg.format_map(vars(args))) httpd = make_server(args.interface, args.port, BlanketDB(args.file)) httpd.serve_forever()
if __name__ == '__main__': cli()